Monday, June 28, 2010

Walking the Psalms in Jerusalem

First a foremost a few updates of what has happened since I walked the Psalms in Jerusalem.
1) As some of you may or may not know, a few years ago my mom ran in to her long lost best friend Maureen on the streets of Boston and rekindled their friendship. Well, Maureen and her family are here since their son finished a year here doing a program called Otsma. As my friends and I are sitting on a small side street on Ben Yehuda I see a woman that looks similar to Maureen, then I see the rest of the family and it is them! So, just as my mom ran in to Maureen on the streets of Boston, I ran in to Maureen on the streets of Jerusalem.
2) being able to watch the world cup in another country is one of the coolest experiences ever! Since the US doesn't really care about the world cup it is really exciting to be in a country that cares. I got to watch the US in round two of the games and was there with a bunch of americans and it was so amazing! Everyone was chanting USA USA USA! too bad we lost :
Now, for one of the coolest things I have gotten to do since being here. One of the Rabbinical faculty members, Rabbi David Wilfond took us on a tour of the old city entitled "Walking the Psalms in Jerusalem" This was one of the most informative and best tours of Israel I have been on. And yes, that includes the tours I went on for birthrite. One of the most moving and incredible things I have heard since being here and ever in my life was when Rabbi Wilfond asked us how we know what we are seeing and experiencing is real and not a dream? Many of us answered by saying how do you know anything isn't a dream and that when we are dreaming we are actually living. Rabbi Wilfond told us when we are dreaming we have all of our senses expect one, smell. He then hands us each a leaf of rosemary and tells us all to smell it. Bringing to our attention that us being here in the holy land, experiencing the life and excitement of Israel is real, and not something that we can create and a figment of our imaginations. I was able to take amazing pictures along the this tour, some silly, some scenery, and some moving. I hope you all enjoy.

The walls of the old city

This is the packet of Psalms Rabbi Wilfond gave to us to follow on our journey along with the leaf of rosemary we were asked to smell.
This is my friend Greg smelling his leaf of rosemary.
The walls of the old city. For those of you with good eyes, you will see that on the last taller building on the left there is an Israeli flag.
More of the walls of the old city.
In the middle there is a windmill that we could see while overlooking the old city. I get to pass this windmill every day on my way to and from school.
some of the group listening to Rabbi Wilfond speaking
Sara outside the walls of the old city
Really cool looking cement on the side of a construction wall.

Me infront of the walls of the old city. It's hard to see but in my right hand I am holding my rosemary leaf.

The bells of the church were ringing when this picture was taken. Many people were hustling around in the courtyard.

This guy is dressed as king david and was leading a tour group that passed us along the way....he was a very happy king david.
An olive tree
Me infront of the old city.
An our journey to a children's playground in which we got the see the words of the psalms come to life before our eyes.
Nina and I....I decided to put my scarf on my head...not the most flattering idea i've ever had...but hey, we all learn somehow.
Mike and I....yes, Mike this is for you :)
The top building is a mosque, the middle window is for a church, and the bottom window is for a synagogue...each religion is supporting one another. When did this stop?

The Dome of the Rock.
Me in front of the Dome of the Rock.
Dome of the Rock again.
The group overlooking the old city...doesn't get much better or more real than this.

Sorry there wasn't too much sarcasim and jokes in this posting, just wait because there will be some in the next posting (at least I hope). This weekend looks as though it will hold many adventures as I explore the winery's of Haifa!!!!! Nina and I and some other people will be going and exploring another city. Tomorrow is another test...lets keep our fingers crossed I will do well since the hebrew is now becoming more difficult. Laura is moving out this evening and that means Ben and I are going to party it up at the Hostel. For anyone that is wondering I would love to have a package sent to me... some of the items I would like to receive:
  1. Mac n' Cheese (from the blue box)
  2. Arizona Ice Tea (it's very expensive here)
  3. Crystal Light Lemon ice-tea to go packets
  4. season 6 of Grey's Anatomy...whenever that comes out
  5. Some movies....whatever ones you think I will enjoy
I think that's it for now. here is the address for the school where these lovely care packages will go:
Hebrew Union College - JIR
Jaclyn McCabe - Student
13 King David Street
Jerusalem 94101, Israel
I hope to be receiving packages soon :D love and miss you all!!!!!


  1. Woohoo! Pictures of me on Jacqui's blog!! I was worried I'd go the whole year known as "not pictured"

  2. Jaqui...I'll work on getting you a long as the shipping isn't too pay the shipping and I'll take care of the does that sound????
