A very sick Jaqui.... :(
Hello friends and family. Sorry for the break in my postings, I have been sick and busy... not the best combination in the world. A couple of things have happened over the past couple weeks. First and foremost I had a wonderful shopping day in Tel Aviv with Marina. We bought tons of cute stuff. I even got a cute pair of flats for NIS 30 (that's less than $10!!!!) It was that night that i started feeling sick... and it has carried over to today.
Last week we had a field trip to an army base where we got to speak with the soldiers and look at all the different guns they use. While i still have not formed a decision as to whether or not I agree if there should be a mandatory draft here in Israel I do strongly respect and appreciate the men and women in the Israeli army.
I also got new glasses!!! There is this cute glasses palce on my street that was having a sale (buy one get one free) so i went in, had my eyes checked and since they have changed a little bit from my old glasses they said I should get new ones. So I got two super cute pairs of glasses for $100. I am very proud of myself for that one :D
More exciting news... this summer at Tawonga I am going to be the Israel Educator! This means I get to work with the Israeli's that are coming to work at camp, both while here in Israel and at camp, and run programs regarding Israel. I am very very excited.
This past weekend helped with my excitement. I was on a Shabbaton (a weekend retreat that happens over Shabbat...obvs) and it is for the program I am working with, Avi Chai. It trains people how to take wht they have learned in Israel during the year and bring it back to camp. And over the weekend we all got to meet with some of the Israeli's that worked at camps last summer and are going back. Unfortunately none of them are going to Tawonga, but it was so exciting to meet the Israeli's and get to talk with them about their experiences with camp in the past. It also gave me some amazing programming ideas.
This week in general so far has been hard because I have been so sick. All my teachers have been very understanding, and all of them want me to get better before worrying about school work. Last night was nice because my boyfriend came over and we made dinner, and he made me tea and gave me a back rub to make me feel better. Yes, that is right, I have a boyfriend. He is amazing. His name is Eehab. It has been almost a month now, and he is saying that he really wants to come visit me in the states to meet all my friends and family since I speak so highly of you all! i told him we would look more into the situation as may approaches.
Yesterday I had to say good-bye to Mohammed. No no no, not for good, since I know that's what you all were just thinking, for two weeks. Mohammed and his family are taking a vacation to Saudi Arabia. They are going by bus which is a 24 hour bus ride!!! no thank you! I offered to lend him my IPod so he could have some music to listen to but he said he would manag without it.
So today I went to the doctor for the 2nd time. I went yesterday and all the doctor could tell me was that I didn't have strep.... THANKS! so this morning when I woke up and couldn't open my left eye because of some kind of goop and my sinus' were throbbing I decided it was probably the best idea to go back to the doctor. I went and they told me I have pink eye and a sinus infection, awesome! So i couldn't go to school since the pink eye is apparently contagious and I didn't want to infect anyone.
So, on a very sad note. One of my cousins, Margie, has been diagnosed with breast cancer. Margie is one of the sweetest women I know and I can only pray and hope for her to overcome this. In Judaism we have a prayer for healing, it's called the MiShebeirach... I am including that in this blog so everyone can read it. I also request of you to keep Margie and her friends and family in your prayers so that she makes a full recovery.
Mi shebeirach avoteinu
M'kor hab'racha l'imoteinu
May the source of strength,
Who blessed the ones before us,
Help us find the courage to make our lives a blessing,
and let us say, Amen.
Mi shebeirach imoteinu
M'kor habrachah l'avoteinu
Bless those in need of healing with r'fuah sh'leimah,
The renewal of body, the renewal of spirit,
And let us say, Amen